Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lex - Knights of Apocalypse

this is the scene where he tries to remember who he is

This is the main character of an original Indonesian comic book, Knights of Apocalypse. I've finished reading all the three sequel of this comic and it's awesome.

Naruto and Sasuke

This is my fan art of Naruto and Sasuke. The rasengan and cidori are not represented very well in the drawing since I hadn't had any idea yet how to draw it at the time. LOL

Dying Patient

Here is the comic response from the previous stupid doctor. If you like this comic, please rate and leave your comments.

Doctor: Sorry I have to tell you a very bad news.
Patient: What is it, doc?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Just Killing Time

It's a 1-hour drawing made by me. I only sketched and inked the character. I used a template for the background from Manga Studio EX 4 software and I made the drawing look old using one of the Photoscape features... ;)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Daydreaming - The Process

It's really fun to daydreaming, and that's what I do recently. This picture is one of my daydreaming inspiration. What is different from my other drawings is that I put the processes from sketching to coloring so everybody would have a picture how I made this drawing. If you like this picture, please rate it and give it a comment.

Start from sketching:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

SBY - President

Here is another caricature I made recently. Well, it's a little bit easier to draw famous people like him instead of myself, for everyone (-especially Indonesian citizens) knows this person. Yes, he is the current President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Office Style

Recently I'm experimenting on drawing caricatures. It's not easy to draw a caricature anyway. We have to know what is special from someone's face, and that's what I'm trying to learn. Here's one of the caricatures I've made.

For the title, I use those words because it is really my style when going to my office, with formal shirt and vest.

Mbah Surip - A Tribute To

Today we lost one of the most fenomenal singer in Indonesia, Mbah Surip (Eng: Granpa Surip). With his outstanding song titled "Tak Gendong", Mbah Surip died at his popularity, just like Michael Jackson. No one could replace him. His sincerity in living the life has inspired many people in Indonesia. Good bye Mbah Surip. Thank's for bringing happiness for all of us. I love you, full!

World without Smile

Smiling has got to be one of the best inventions. It doesn't matter what race you are, what part of the world you're from, your culture, or religion. Smiles are universal and language independent. It's a great way to pass the time. You get a wide range of responses. Rarely, you'll get a weird look. Sometimes, they'll blush. Most of the time, you'll get a smile back :)

But what will happen if nobody smiles? People will not respect to each other and maybe there will be wars and violence. That's why people need to smile.

Smile - and the world can hear you. Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Mba Sity Wahyuni

Here is my latest artwork request from my colleague, mba Siti...

Tools of the trade:
  1. Images emailed by mba Siti ;p
  2. Wacom Intuos 4,
  3. Manga Studio EX 4,
  4. Adobe Photoshop CS 4,
  5. Picasa 3 (I wish it was 4 also - lol).

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