Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Dancing Lights

I have a lot of really fun times in Hong Kong, and this Saturday night has to be one of my favorites! The light symphony was a beautiful spectacle, with the lasers and the spotlights dancing about to the sound of music.

Every night at 8 P.M. all the buildings in Hong Kong start playing to the sound of music and lit up one after another to compose what they call a "symphony of lights". I went to Tsim Sha Tsiu waterfront in Kowloon (one of the best places) with my Thai friend, Tns Snt Pommy, to spectate the beautiful lights.

There were so many people from all over the world came to watch this 14 minutes show. I pulled in the place at 7.30 P.M. and found a best spot to hear the live orchestration of music and narration before the show began. Please read more to see the video of the symphony lights ;)

Me ;p

The purpose of the show is to take the onlookers through a journey of Hong Kong’s culture based on five major themes. The themes are awakening, energy, heritage, partnership and celebration.

Awakening is the initial featured theme; first by a few lights multiplying in number and also in color as they spread along the participating buildings. This is to represent the beginning, the awakening and growth of Hong Kong.

Energy is the second featured theme; shown by the building colors creatively changing, becoming more vibrant and search lights entering the show. This symbolizes the same vibrancy and energy of Hong Kong.

Heritage is the third theme; shown by red as luck along with golden colors accompanied by music. Together we get the representation of Hong Kong’s colorful and rich culture with history.

The fourth theme is shown by a searchlights and lasers coming from across the beaches, meeting, brightly coming together to represent partnership.

The final theme is a kaleidoscope of swirling, dancing lights, beams, colors and music that come all together. In this celebration, all the shows come together to celebrate one of Asia’s thriving city, Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s Symphony of Lights is truly a show for all to see and remember. Enjoy the video, guys... ;)

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