Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Point Blank Error

When you first time install (or you copy-paste the game directory from other place) the Point Blank online game to your windows Vista or 7 operating system and find the following error message (as on the screenshots):

Tidak dapat membuka berkas untuk menulis:
"C:\Program Files\Gemscool\PointBlankBC.log"
Tekan tombol Abort untuk membatalkan instalasi, Retry untuk mencoba lagi, atau ignore untuk melewati file ini.

Terjadi error security game.
Akan exit game.
You should click Abort and follow these steps:

1. Locate your software installation setup (PBSetup.exe) or PBLauncher.exe.

2. Right-click and run as Administrator.

3. Click Yes and follow the next process... ;)

You can download the game client directly from below link:

If you already have the game client, you can download the updated patch from here.

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